From September 2005 to June 2006 a team of thirteen scholars at the The University of Southern California's Annenberg Center for Communication explored how new and maturing networking technologies are transforming the way in which we interact with content, media sources, other individuals and groups, and the world that surrounds us.

This site documents the process and the results.


Networked Public Culture

Click Read More for the Culture Essay from the upcoming Networked Publics book and... leave your comments!

Submitted by kvarnelis on June 19, 2006 - 3:20pm

future shock

The future mashups were produced by netpublics. More info soon...

what hath the pod wrought?

Quite a day for iPod/vPod-related announcements...and its not even 10am yet (well, PST). Among them:

It's a Mod, Mod World: Podcasting has been called the ultimate in personalized media, since most podcasts are produced by amateurs for small, specialized audiences. But the real ultimate in personalization may be a podcast for an audience of one -- you. That's the promise of Modcast, a technology developed by Florida-based Bind that enables a podcast listener to choose which segments of a show to hear, then have a customized audio file generated on the fly. Other companies, such as, are also experimenting with modcasting -- which suggests that customization may be a big wave in podcasting's future. TechReview

Submitted by todd on November 30, 2005 - 11:27am

Mike Liebhold Lecture: The Geospatial Web and Mobile Service Ecologies Video

This is a video of Mike Liebhold's lecture on the Geospatial Web at the Annenberg Center for Communication.

Submitted by kvarnelis on November 23, 2005 - 1:59pm

The Rise of the Object

Reblogging a piece from

A number of pieces have washed in over the transom over the last few days. Even more than postmodernism, Network Culture thrives on the paranoiac construction of connections and this post to has turned into precisely such a venture. Make your own flowchart if this one leads to madness.

First, John Southern sends this piece, Machines and objects to overtake humans on the Internet, on the prediction by the UN's telecommunications agency, the International Telecommunication Unit, that in future decades there will be tens of billions of objects connected to the Internet, leaving human users a distinct second. If the Internet becomes a vast grid capable of metering the world, what use will we put that too? Bruce Sterling is our theorist for this project, suggesting that the result is an informational universe composed of what he calls Spimes.

But where is this all leading to? At BoingBoing Xeni Jardin blogs historian George Dyson's article Turing's Cathedral, a reflection on his visit to Google. In response to a statement by a Google employee that's project of scanning vast libraries of literature is not so much to make the material available for humans but to provide reading material for an AI (Artificial Intelligence). Dyson points out that with the sum of the world's knowledge on the Internet, connections previously unimagined and undreamed of will soon become possible. Is it coincidence that Google is a word coined by a nine year old? Google, on the other hand. denies these rumors. Or at least is sidestepping them.

With all that in mind, as I read Lev Manovich's piece on Remix and Remixability and pondered the self-remixing functions of the Soft Cinema DVD that Lev and Andreas Kratky produced, I wondered if we weren't really looking at yet another case of art acting as a kind of research and development engine or prototyping unit for society at large? In other words, might all of our interest in the possiblities of remix be a dress rehearsal for a world in which somebody else might be doing the remixing?

Submitted by kvarnelis on November 17, 2005 - 6:40pm

podcast #3: sleighbells of death

#2 in a series, #3 overall. Another episode of "Song, Interrupted", this time listening to how sleigh bells signal the death of the protagonist in a pair of Steely Dan songs.

Sleigh Bells of Death

Submitted by todd on November 4, 2005 - 1:16am

appropriate use of technology: podcast #2

I seem to be on a roll. Following up on the first podcast (that I had been meaning to do for the last 2 years), I present my second. This one is a longer form piece that started as a written concert review. But text just couldn't really cut it for this application. Enter the podcast, which imho is a perfect medium for this kind of thing. Comments welcome.

Marcus Miller Review

Submitted by todd on October 30, 2005 - 11:30am

Mash-up ecologies: the case of google-maps

With “A Journey to a Thousand Maps Begins With an Open Code

Submitted by fbar on October 20, 2005 - 11:33am

vingle me

Apple has patented the term "vingle". What is interesting are the details of the filing. As reported at tuaw, there are bits about temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software to enable users to program audio, video, radio, etc..."

So...Apple is going to do remix for the masses? Stay could get interesting.

Submitted by todd on October 18, 2005 - 3:25pm

Otaku Literacy

The National Media Consortium has a monograph, A Global Imperative resulting from the 21st Century Literacy Summit. I have a small piece on "Otaku Media Literacy" in there and also below.

Submitted by mito on October 10, 2005 - 5:06pm

